By the Numbers (Fiscal Year 2022-23 Outcomes)
Permanent Supportive Housing (All on-campus and scattered-site housing programs, except Tranquil House)
- 268 households were served with a total of 539 people, including 232 children.
- 87% of the exits were positive.
- Prior to arriving at SVDP, 250 people were in a place not meant for habitation or an emergency shelter.
- These housing programs include:
- On-Campus: East and West Family Apartments and One Bedroom Apartments.
- Off-Campus: Collaborative Housing Initiative (CHI), Collaborative Housing for the Chronically Homeless (CH2), Homes with Hope, Domestic Violence Rapid Rehousing Program, and Roberts Hall.
Ozanam Inn Men’s Emergency Shelter
- 229 men were served, including 60 chronically homeless men and seven men under the age of 25.
- 52 men exited to permanent housing.
- 30% of the exits were positive, which is two times more compared to last fiscal year because of our shift to 24/7.
Veterans Transitional Housing Program
- 42 men were served.
- 73% exited to permanent housing.
Domestic Violence Transitional Housing Program
- 98 households were served with a total of 152 people, both women and men, including 47 children.
- 73% exited to permanent housing.
Open Hand Kitchen
- Our Open Hand Kitchen served 120,835 meals this fiscal year, with an average of more than 330 people having a meal each day.
- This is nearly 30,000 more meals than the previous fiscal year.
Food Pantry
- Our volunteer-run Food Pantry served 7,263 people, with an average of more than 600 households monthly.
- 4,110 children ages 6 to 17 received groceries.
- 3,154 seniors were helped with food.
Family Success Center (FSC)
- 15 students registered for our after-school program. The average attendance was 12.
- 80% of students showed improvements in their grades.
- We had seven weeks of summer programming.
- This included hosting our first ever “Backpack League” in partnership with JCPS and Evolve502. We had roughly 25 incoming 1st-8th graders, many of whom had never stepped foot on our campus.
- At our 9th annual summer camp, we had about 30 elementary and middle school students participating. These children live in our supportive housing on campus or in the neighboring Shelby Park or Smoketown areas.
- 500 free tax returns were completed at the FSC through our partnership with Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) services.
Mental Health and Substance Use Program (MHSU)
- 370 households were served, of whom 97 have children
- 29 suicides were prevented
- 206 crisis were resolved, which is a 98% success rate
- 111 group meetings were held
Performance Quality & Improvement (PQI) (Fiscal Year 2022-23)
Performance Quality Improvement (PQI) includes initiative across our entire agency to ensure that not only are we compliant with local, state, and federal regulations and accreditation requirements, but that we are also as efficient and effective as we can be at delivering on our mission. Our COA accreditation requires us to engage in these robust PQI initiatives.